Each piñata is an ERC1155 token which can be traded on marketplaces.
When you are ready, you can break it open from your Inventory and Chainlink VRF will be used to generate 1 ERC1155 wearable for you.
There are 5 rarity categories for wearables
- Common
- Uncommon
- Rare
- Epic
- Legendary
You can view the table below to see the chance you have to acquire certain wearables.
There are 5 Aztec themed sets in total, each containing a mask, torso, arms, bottoms and boots.
Wearables are more than just aesthetics, when the game launches they will also offer reward multipliers to the Luchador that's wearing them + DAO voting power. The rarer your wearable, the more bonuses it can offer.
The raised funds will be split between the treasury and the team to ensure continued development of the project.
For more details, check out our Medium article
The price of 1 piñata is NaN MATIC - pegged to $50USDC.
You can also pay with $LUCHA which is pegged to the value of NaN MATIC.
Due to general market movements, you will observe price variations in the MATIC and LUCHA price.
- 3725 piñatas are available to purchase with $MATIC
- 500 piñatas are available to purchase with $LUCHA
- 250 piñatas are reserved for raffles
- 25 piñatas are reserved for giveaways